Results[Foods/Snaks] [29]
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Vegips onion pumpkin and potato [A0010026]

Calbee Vegips onion pumpkin and potato


Chips of real vegetables.
shipping weight:40g

Vegips pumpkin and sweet potato [A0010027]

Calbee Vegips pumpkin and sweet potato


Chips of real vegetables.
shipping weight:50g

CRATZ paper bacon [A0010028]

Glico CRATZ paper bacon


Bite sized pretzel with spicy taste of black paper and bacon. It is really good for beer, wine and so on.
shipping weight:55g

Cheeza cheddar cheese [A0010029]

Glico Cheeza cheddar cheese


You can enjoy baked and concentrated cheese taste. Cheddar cheese taste.
shipping weight:55g

Cheeza camembert cheese [A0010030]

Glico Cheeza camembert cheese


You can enjoy baked and concentrated cheese taste. Camembert cheese taste.
shipping weight:55g

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