Find Product or item you want to buy.

You can find your item by "Shopping categories" on the left hand side of the page or searching by words.

Open up your main item page of the item you are intending to purchase.

Click a thumb nail image or item's name. The main page of item will open up!

Click the "Add to Cart" button that is located to the right hand side of the page.

If you would like to change the quantity of the item, you may find the drop-down box above this button. Click the drop-down and select your quantity.

And if item has some variation of like color or size..., it also appears drop-down box so please select one, before clicking the button.

Click the "Go To Basket" button that is located to top of the left hand side of the page.

Check the list of your basket that all information is correct, numbers, colors, sizes and so on.

Check a message under the basket.

If you see a message below, you cannot proceed to checkout.

Please order JPY5,000 or over in each purchase.
We can sell a minimum of JPY5,000, so please select item.
Please order 1,980grams or under in one order.
We cannot ship over 2,000grams(=4.4lbs) in one package but we must contain 20g of our documents, so please reduce weight to under 1,980grams.

If you see a drop-down box "Destination", you can proceed to check out.
Please select country you want to ship and Click the "Proceed to check out" button.
Now we can ship to 12 of countries "United States", "Canada", "United Kingdom", "Germany", "France", "Italy", "Australia", "New Zealand", "China", "Hong Kong", "Taiwan" and "Korea".

Ensure that all information is correct.

If you want to change your order click "Back to Cart" link.

You have to agree with our regulations which are written on "TERMS & CODITIONS".

If all information is correct, click "Check out with PayPal" button.

Page will turn into PayPal's payment page. You can pay for your purchase by your credit card through PayPal.
